Answered By: Stephen Pilon
Last Updated: Nov 17, 2015     Views: 83

Follow these steps to renew an ILL item:

  • Log into your ILLiad account
  • In the left menu, under View, click on Checked Out Items
  • Click on the Transaction Number of the item you want to renew
  • Click on Renew Request at the top of the screen (just above the words Transaction Information)
    • Note: If the Renew Request link is not present, this item is not eligible for renewal
  • Once renewed, the following message will appear:
    • Item renewed with a tentative due date of [##/##/####]. You will receive an email with a final due date once we hear from the lending library.

Once the renewal is confirmed by the lending library, we will send you an email with the final due date. You can also check the status at any time in your ILLiad account.